Kids Bones Versus Adult Bones - How the use of different multimodal formats affects your site experience

Do you find this interesting? Or is this interesting? The human body is an amazing thing! Babies have more bones (nearly 300 bones) in their small, fragile little bodies than an adult (206 bones) does. Learning this information from different sites was interesting, interactive, and downright boring at times. The formats used in a site can draw you in or have you in a rush to click to the next one so you don't fall asleep. The first site chosen was very attention-getting. It drew me in with its catchy title and imagery. The interesting human body facts and images that coincided with them kept me wanting to scroll down the page to find out more. The author had the right mix of information and imagery to keep me engaged to the bottom of the page. The second site chosen was a generic fact site. The site was not interactive at all. There was a lot of information that droned on and on down. Black and white illustrations were integrated throughout the site...