Sports : Competition Born From Day To Day Life
Competition between people is as old as time. One man says to the other," I bet I can outrun you when the bear chases us," and so it began. Everyday tasks: running, hunting, and defense become sporting competitions. Was it a way to show who is best? A way to show off? Or just a way to talk trash and pass the time? We will never know for sure.

The two earliest sports that were competed in were running and wrestling. The origins of the earliest sports competitions in these sports are dated back over four million years ago. Both have cave drawings that date back 15,300 years ago. They are depicted in the art of several different early civilizations which include France, Mongolia, Japan, Lybia, and Ireland.

The Olympic Games began in 776 BCE. Running was the first event in these games. There were actually four different running competitions. Wrestling was introduced in 704 BCE. The first Olympic Games only had Greek participants. Today the Olympics has participants from over 200 countries.

The evolution of sports competition from early civilization until today is an interesting one. They have gone from being everyday tasks to people competing and making their fortunes and fame from them. From children getting exercise and learning good sportsmanship and discipline to adults getting exercise and socializing and stress relief. And for the millions who just enjoy watching their favorite team compete ... sports have a little something for everyone.
The 5 Oldest Sports in the World.
“8 Oldest Sports in the World.”,
“First Modern Olympic Games.”, A&E Television Networks, 24 Nov. 2009,
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